The Blandford Series
of the
Yarbrough Genealogical Records & Papers

It is popularly believed that most of our Yarbrough Family lines stem from Richard Yarbrough who immigrated to the Virginia Colony circa 1642. He is buried in a place of honor at the front of Old Blandford Church in Petersburg, Virginia. The early Yarbroughs soon began to move southwesterly through the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and points west. The majority of Yarbroughs today are located in the Southeastern and Southwestern United States, with a scattering of families in the remaining states of the country.

The originals of these volumes are now kept for the benefit of future generations by the Williamson County Library, Franklin, Tennessee.

These records comprise a part of the written legacy of our Yarbrough family researchers. Many were provided by Ophelia Kessler and Frances (Rea) Donohue, sisters from Texas, who spent much of their lives traveling the states in search of Yarbrough family records. Some of these records have since been superseded by subsequent research, yet they nonetheless comprise a valuable record set of our family history.

We welcome the submission of any Yarbrough famly information that can be added to our growing data base.

Master Index

1. Aaron – McClendand    2. McClenden – Zotz

The master index is a comprehensive index of the Blandford Series of Yarbrough Family Records. Access is limited to paid members of the YNGHA. Anyone who is a Yarbrough or a member of an allied family is welcome as a member. Dues are $15.00/year and includes a subscription to the Yarbrough Family Quarterly.

Archives of The Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association, Inc.
© Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association, Inc. 2022