Nelle Morris Jenkin's Yarbrough Family Quarterly
Mrs. Jenkins' Quarterly is actually in the form of a newsletter and was published between September 1960 and September 1963. Mrs. Jenkins died Dec. 19, 1963.
Mrs. Jenkins used/cited material obtained from a former Alabama legislator, State Senator George Yarbrough. Senator Yarbrough was justifiably proud of his family roots, and he was one of the earliest chroniclers of our Yarbrough family. While some of his findings have been superseded by later information, we are nonetheless indebted to him for his endeavors on behalf of our extended families.
The Yarborough Family Magazine
Charles David ("Texas Charley") Yarborough was inspired by Nelle Morris Jenkins' newsletter. He began the Yarborough Family Magazine in August 1966 and published it until his death.
YFM Vol 1
YFM Vol 2
YFM Vol 3
YFM Vol 4
YFM Vol 5
The Yarbrough Interim Newsletter
The Newsletter was published by Charles Henry ("Tennesee Charley") Yarbro until the Yarbrough Family Quarterly began publication in 1991.
The Yarbrough Family Quarterly
Past Issues
Peter Yerburgh's Contributions
Reverend Charles Peter Yerburgh (CoE) is a meticulous Yarbrough family researcher, especially in the English lines. Peter has provided considerable insight into the life and times of the our English forebears, as well as providing considerable insight into the ancestry of our reputed oldest Yarbrough immigrant to the New World. The YNGHA is greatly in his debt for his contributions, which are included in two of volumes of the Blandford Series.
Articles of particular interest include:
The Blandford Series of Genealogical Records
This is a set of 171 volumes of records amassed over the life of the YNGHA, which is now available to current YNGHA members.
The entire set of volumes are maintained by the Williamson County Public Library in Franklin, TN.
Through the courtesy of the Library, this entire set of records will be available in the YNGHA Conference research room during the YNGHA Conferences. These volumes are available on a DVD.
The welcomes the addition of family records to its collection. Either paper or digital copies are acceptable; the format of the latter can be in either PDF or Microsoft Word. The preferred format for images is JPG/PNG/TIFF.